We are passionate about the future of Australia's Agricultural Sector and the high standards of health care available in our Country. 

It is our responsibility as health professionals to contribute to the future of both sustainable agriculture and public health. We want to help protect your family from super-bugs. 

As such we are ethically and legally obliged to be strategic with regards to the medications we can provide, particularly, in instances, where we are not able to see your livestock or animals due to distance or other circumstances.

We are also highly qualified to provide strategic advice on how to improve the efficiency of animal health enterprises. As such, diagnosis and assessment of management and  husbandry practices are important parts of the services we provide. 

We are here to help, and prescribing pharmaceutical medications is part of our approach to improving your animal's health. It is also important for us to work together to ensure a preventative strategy is designed to ensure future pharmaceutical use be minimised. 

We hope you understand that there are limitations to requests for prescribtion medications. Please visit the livestock specific services section on our website and feel free to ring and hear about the services we offer.

We regularly perform farm visits where we can guage a better understanding of your livestock systems and discuss ways we can improve productivity via animal health. Please speak to us about organising this. We can strategically arrange visits to neighbouring properies to reduce travel costs. 


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Our prescribing policy is based on the - 

Stock Medicines Act 1989 

Veterinary Practice Act 2003 

Vet Practicioners Code of Professional Conduct 

Australian Veterinary Association Guidelines For Prescribing, Authorising and Dispensing Veterinary Medicines 2005